Financial Aid for Undergraduates

We want you to enter into ministry with zero debt.  如果你必须承担债务,我们会尽量减少债务.


  1. Grants, Discounts and Scholarships
  2. Federal & Institutional work-study programs
  3. Subsidized loans
  4. Unsubsidized loans

Use our calculator 把你的经济援助加起来,看看你的估计费用. Learn more about our passive financial aid acceptance policy.

Financial Aid Calendar

  • April 30thFAFSA and institutional aid application due for institutional aid.
  • July 1st -学生就业的FAFSA和学生工作计划申请.
  • August –  College Registration Day; your federal, state, and all other aid should appear as a credit on your CampisSIS account.

Federal Government & State Aid

To determine federal and state eligibility, 必须填写并提交FAFSA(联邦学生援助免费申请). This may be done online at

Paying for college


Grants – do NOT need repaid
Scholarships – do NOT need repaid
Loans – DO need repaid

  • Subsidized loans – begins accruing interest after leaving college
  • Unsubsidized loans – begins accruing interest immediately
Our FAFSA ID # is


1) Grants

Federal Pell Grant

These are only awarded to undergraduate students who:

  • are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens with a valid SSN;
  • have a high school diploma, GED, 或者在认可家庭教育的州完成了家庭教育课程;
  • 在符合条件的课程中以普通学生的身份获得学位;
  • and who show financial need.

Ohio College Opportunity Grant

Student must be:

  • an Ohio resident,
  • enrolled in an undergraduate degree program,
  • Pell eligible based on EFC.


Taxes and Your 1098-T

Have a 1098-T but  not sure what to do with it? Get your questions answered here.

2) Loans

Direct Loans

这些贷款可以有补贴,也可以没有补贴,这取决于FAFSA的结果(EFC)。. 在攻读学位课程期间,你必须至少修满6个学分,才有资格获得直接贷款.

These loans are borrower initiated on a semester basis; you can start the process by submitting the FAFSA and completing a Master Promissory Note at

Plus Loans

另外,学生的家长可以获得至少6个学分的贷款. Approval for the Plus loan is dependent upon good credit. An application can be completed at

3) Other Outside Aid

Federal Work-Study

联邦勤工俭学允许学生通过工作挣钱来支付他们的学费.5 or 15 hours per week at minimum wage. 学生可以选择以支票的形式收到资金,也可以选择将资金直接存入学生账户.

Students may participate in the Student Work Program. To participate the student must do the following by July 1st:

  1. apply for a position on campus and
  2. complete the FAFSA


Outside Scholarships


你可以在这里搜索选项,或者向当地的公民团体查询, parents’ employers, or other charitable organizations.

4) Institutional Aid

要被我们的机构援助计划考虑,你必须填写一份 FAFSA online 以及机构援助计划的必要申请/验证.

Institutional Scholarships

Endowed Scholarship

学生可以申请许多私人资助的奖学金. 这些奖学金根据每个奖学金的具体标准颁发, the student’s merit and / or need. Awards range from $50 to as high as $5,500. The application deadline is April 30th.

捐赠资金的支付将导致信贷的情况 在学生的帐户余额,上帝的圣经学校和学院保留 right to re-award the excess funds to a different student. This practice 旨在扩大捐赠奖学金的范围,并支持更大的 number of students.

Christian Worldview Scholarship

bte365官网地址 is once again offering the Christian Worldview Scholarship 2024年秋季入学的所有bte365官网地址新生. After other aid is applied, 该奖学金将涵盖学生大一秋季学期和春季学期的所有剩余校园学费.

Music Major Scholarship

入学音乐学士学位课程的新生有资格申请这项为期四年的优秀奖学金. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. For more information, contact

Wingrove Taylor Legacy Award

该奖项适用于在校就读的国际学生. It covers tuition for up to 15 credit hours.

Tuition Discounts (23-24 Academic Year)

全日制学生(每学期12学分以上)可享受折扣。. 在获得联邦和州补助金后,将其应用于学费. Discounts do not 申请住宿费、伙食费或除学费以外的任何费用,除非特别注明. 它们没有现金价值,因此不会退款.

Only one discount can apply per student.

Alumni Discount

适用于父母曾就读于bte365官网地址的本科生. It discounts tuition up to $500 per semester.

Christian Worker Discount

适用于家庭主要收入来源为牧师的本科生. It discounts tuition up to $500 per semester.

  • Required一封来自主管或教会执事的信件或电子邮件,说明家庭的主要收入来源是来自事工.

International Discount

适用于任何永久居住在美国境外的在线本科生. It discounts standard tuition 50%.

Merit Discount

适用于以毕业班致告别辞或致词者的身份毕业的本科生. This option is available for homeschool students as well. 如果学生保持3分,每学期可减免学费500美元,最多可减免8个学期.5 GPA.

  • Required: 学生的班级排名需要在他们的成绩单或学校的一封信中显示.
  • Required: SAT, ACT, or CLT scores that meet current requirements:
    • SAT – 1090
    • ACT (plus Writing) – 21
    • CLT – 71

Missionary Child Discount

适用于父母在美国境外积极参与全职任务的在校本科生. After student aid and work-study (15 hours per week), any remaining tuition, room (non-private), and board is discounted 100%. Fees are not included in this discount. Students must be US citizens.

注:如果学生选择不参加勤工俭学计划或没有可用的职位, 他们将负责支付本应提供的金额.

  • Required: 来自任务主管的信件或电子邮件,说明学生的 父母积极参与美国以外的全职宣教

Student Employment

该机构的勤工俭学计划允许学生赚钱支付学费. 学生可以通过填写FAFSA申请校内职位 work-study application and submitting a resume by July 1st.


2% Cash Discount

After all aid has been applied, 一次付清全部余款,可享受2%的现金折扣.

Graduate Program

For Financial Aid options, head to the Financial Aid for the Graduate Program.


Hello – I’m Eli.

I’d love to chat about your transition to college!


Shoot me an email, text me at (513) 402-2428 or call me at (513) 763-6565.

Hello – I’m Eli.

I’d love to chat about your transition to college!


Shoot me an email, text me at (513) 402-2428 or call me at (513) 763-6565.
